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VA Official World Cup Songs: 2002-2014 歷年世足主題曲 MP3音樂 DVD版 --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
軟體名稱: VA Official World Cup Songs: 2002-2014 歷年世足主題曲
語文版本: MP3音樂 DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面DVD)
音質取樣: 320Kbps/44Khz
檔案格式: MP3
硬體需求: PC/Power PC
軟體類型: MP3音樂
更新日期: 2014.08.25
唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準)

The 2014 FIFA World Cup is so close, we can almost taste it, and excitement
levels are climbing by the day.

Besides the soccer, world famous players and match-day outfits, one other
integral part of any World Cup is the Official Song. he song, which is
usually released a month in advance to the kick off of the tournament is
undoubtedly one of the biggest factors contributing to World Cup fever.

It’s always an incredibly catchy, heart warming song (that will also become
a number one hit across the globe) that aims at uniting the world under
the flag of football.

So, in the spirit of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, we decided to take a trip
down memory lane and check out some of the official songs of the past 3
World Cup tournaments – including 2014′s official song, of course, which
was released a few weeks ago.

2002 -

2002 saw the World Cup take place in South Korea and Japan. Considering the
fact that it was the early 2000′s, it’s no surprise that pop diva Anastacia
was chosen to do the official song – bare midriff et al. The song is called
‘Boom’ and, as you will see form the video, is so 2002. But nevertheless
a great World Cup song:

2006 -

Germany played hosts to the 2006 FIFA World Cup and it was sure one to remember.
At that point, the magical tenor group, Il Divo, was every housewife’s dream
and an international hit – mixing their operatic style of singing with pop
classics. They collaborated with Toni Braxton on the song and it was called
‘The Time of Our Lives’, because no doubt, everyone attending the World Cup
had the time of their lives:

2010 -

Every South African’s favorite World Cup – 2010. Not only because it was played
on home ground (or that Bafana got a chance to play) but because it put South
Africa on the map. As everyone should know, the official song was ‘Waka Waka
(Time for Africa)’ sung by the ever popular Shakira and local super group,
Freshlyground. I’m pretty sure that Waka Waka still goes most South Africans
goosebumps and fond memories:

2014 -

This year’s World Cup is in Brazil, and we can’t actually think if a better
place to have a World Cup tournament (except South Africa of course). The country
that’s known for the soccer expertise and brightly coloured celebrations
(hello, Carnivale) sets the perfect backdrop for a party. The official song
this year is called ‘We are One (Ole Ola0′ and features the mighty Jennifer
Lopez. The song itself is super infectious and will make you feel like you’re
missing out on a party of a lifetime if you’re not heading to Brazil:

Claudia Leitte歡樂高歌官方主題曲〈We Are One〉
◎搖滾天團山塔那樂團+嘻哈鬼才懷克裏夫金+電音紅牌DJ 艾維奇+巴西歌神Alexandre Pires
幕曲〈Dar Um Jeito (We Will Find A Way)〉
〈La La La〉


官方主題曲〈We Are One〉,傳達世界村的共同理念,將Electro-Hop融入森巴的熱情節拍
裡頭,動員「夜店天王」之稱的Pitbull領銜,加上影歌雙棲時尚天後 Jennifer Lopez+享
譽巴西流行樂壇的Claudia Leitte齊聲高歌,交付4次葛萊美提名Dr. Luke(Kelly Clarkson)
+Miley Cyrus、Katy Perry冠軍曲幕後金手Cirkut連袂製作,於各國流行榜中急速竄升;
滾石雜誌「史上百名偉大吉他手」Carlos Santana為首的Santana 樂團+帶領葛萊美加冕團
隊Fugees靈魂支柱Wyclef Jean+百大DJ名單晉級最快的Avicii+自前巴西超級樂團So Pra
Contrariar走紅而單飛的主唱Alexandre Pires,共通打造第二波夢幻攻勢〈Dar Um Jeito
(We Will Find A Way)〉;象徵巴西吉祥之歌〈Tatu Bom De Bola〉,請到巴西長青樹
Arlindo Cruz擔綱演出;出任1998年世足賽主題曲〈The Cup Of Life〉演唱,同時掀起樂
壇拉丁風潮的Ricky Martin,再度秀上熱情真本事,點燃〈Vida〉的舞動狂熱;美籍Neo-Soul
暖色系男聲Aloe Blacc+The X Factor第二季參賽者David Correy,替可口可樂贊助世足賽
的廣告宣傳曲〈The World Is Ours〉發聲;巴西傳奇教父及全球樂壇崇拜景仰大師Sergio
Mendes,洋溢〈One Nation〉奔放的旋律;鎖定舞池的Shakira〈Dare (La La La)〉,點
裡頭;美國靈魂放客經典團The Isley Brothers,將入選滾石雜誌「史上500首經典歌曲」
之〈It’s Your Thing〉重新混音收藏;新Bossa Nova女伶Bebel Gilberto+中國天才鋼琴
家郎朗,在〈Tico Tico〉美麗邂逅;加拿大雷鬼新貴Magic!,輕巧灌入〈This Is Our Time〉
通體舒暢頻率;巴哈馬歡樂音樂大使團Baha Men,送上讓你無論晝夜Party不停歇的〈Night
& Day〉;日本兩大歌姬中島美嘉x加藤Miliyah合繹振奮人心的〈Fighter〉,替雙姝躍入


1. Pitbull Feat. Jennifer Lopez & Claudia Leitte
We Are One (Ole Ola) (The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song)
萬眾一心 (2014世足賽官方主題曲)
2. Santana & Wyclef Feat. Avicii & Alexandre Pires
Dar Um Jeito (We Will Find A Way) (The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Anthem)
勇往直前 (2014世足賽官方閉幕曲)
3. Arlindo Cruz - Tatu Bom De Bola
(The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Mascot Song)
亞林哥克魯斯 – 踢球的犰狳 (2014世足賽吉祥物之歌)
4. Ricky Martin – Vida (Spanglish Version)
瑞奇馬汀 – 人生
5. Aloe Blacc Feat. David Correy - The World Is Ours
(Coca-Cola 2014 FIFA World’s Cup Campaign Anthem)
亞羅佈雷克與大衛柯瑞 – 世界屬於我們 (可口可樂2014世足賽活動主題曲)
6. Psirico - Lepo Lepo 菲瑞柯 – 火熱的愛
7. Sergio Mendez & Carlinhos Brown - One Nation
塞吉歐曼德斯與卡林歐斯布朗 – 一個國度
8. Shakira - La La La (Brazil 2014) 夏奇拉 – 啦啦啦 (巴西2014)
9. The Isley Brothers With Studio Rio - It’s Your Thing (Studio Rio Version)
艾斯禮兄弟合唱團 – 你的決定
10. Bebel Gilberto And Lang Lang - Tico Tico
貝貝吉爾貝托與郎朗 – 提哥 提哥
11. Adelen – Ole (Stadium Anthem Mix) 亞德蘭 – 加油
12. Magic! - This Is Our Time (Agora E’a Nossa Hora) Magic! – 光榮時刻
13. Baha Men – Night & Day (Carnival Mix) 巴哈人合唱團 – 日日夜夜
14. Rodrigo Alexey Feat. Preta Gil – Go, Gol 羅裏戈艾利西與皮塔吉兒 – 加油
15. Mika Nakashima x Miliyah Kato - Fighter (Tachytelic World Cup Brazil 2014 Remix)
中島美嘉與加藤Miliyah – 鬥士(2014世足賽混音版)

16. Pitbull Feat. Jennifer Lopez & Claudia Leitte
We Are One (Ole Ola) (The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song) (Olodum Mix)
嘻哈鬥牛梗/珍妮佛洛佩茲/克勞蒂亞萊蒂 萬眾一心 (2014世足賽官方主題曲混音版)
17. Arlindo Cruz - Tatu Bom De Bola (The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup
Official Mascot Song) (DJ Meme Remix)
亞林哥克魯斯 – 踢球的犰狳 (2014世足賽吉祥物之歌混音版)


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